Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
144441-144460 of all 180,807 gems.
114,2353dispaaro-couchYet another CouchDB handler
114,2353pgq_webWeb interface for pgq gem. Inspect pgq and londiste queues
114,2353simple_bingA lightweight API wrapper for the Bing Search API
114,2353airframeA lightweight Ruby library for building REST clients
114,2353brandonA simple hello world gem
114,2353uploadgyazo upload.cgi
114,2353formatted_dateCustomize o formato de datas no Rails.
114,2353latchsdkThis SDK allows developers to integrate Latch on their Ruby services. Latch is a servic...
114,2353esunvirtual account generator, and payment callback parser
114,2353hashconfigSimple configuration mechanism through serialized hash
114,2353backheadremoves the tedium of defining rails engine configuration options
114,2353vimiliciousvim-ruby library making it easier to work with vim via ruby
114,2353gmail-scraperScrap Gmail's emails from its HTML Version.
114,2353logstash-output-opentsdb_using_filter_metricsThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
114,2353huginn_xero_agentHuginn Agent for interfacing with Xero
114,2353thermostat-JENS-VERCRUYSSESimple ruby thermostat app
114,2353git_open_remoteOpen your git remote in browser
114,2353shmidi== Midi experiments
114,2353unique_rapidfireOne stop solution for all survey related requirements! Its tad easy!.
114,2353encrubyEncrypt ruby source code files and still be able to run them.