Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
148921-148940 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051jamesramptonA simple gem that puts my website
103,2051logificationLogging made simple
103,2051dropify-railsDropify gem (https://github.com/JeremyFagis/dropify)
103,2051isd-color-paletteISDColorPalette is a color selection panel for the RubyMotion iOS app.
103,2051Neurogami-wiiremotejrubyNicer Ruby wrapper using the WiiRemoteJ library.
103,2051xtreme-calculator-sdkUse the XTreme Calculator to pass your exams.
103,2051ninja-collectionthe library behind the scenes
103,2051gpx2hashSimple Ruby library that converts a GPX file into a Hash.
103,2051smartcrop-railsThis gem provides the smartcrop.js Javascript library for your Rails 4 and Rails 5 appl...
103,2051imposeComing soon.
103,2051yamlmTool to merge multiple YAML files
103,2051guard-annotate_gemGuard::AnnotateGem automatically annotate your gems on update.
103,2051simple_base64A simple base64
103,2051dotcodeDotfiles for your code & projects
103,2051raikar04A short explanation of my awesome gem theme.
103,2051meerkatRequires an evented Ruby dispatcher, like Thin
103,2051doctopdfJruby gem to convert microsoft office documents to pdf. Useful to render office documen...
103,2051rvm_loaderLoads the RVM Ruby API or raises an error: require 'rvm_loader'
103,2051ramdiv-mongo_mapper_acts_as_treePort of the old, venerable ActsAsTree with a bit of a twist