Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
148941-148960 of all 180,716 gems.
140,8190fcoury-gmailA simple gem to send email through gmail
140,8190embulk-output-cassandraCassandra output plugin for Embulk
140,8190cocoapods-catalyst-validatorA cocoapods plugin for detecting whether the binary files in the integrated Pod support...
140,8190derailleurA super-fast Rack web framework
140,8190bucket_cakeGet cakeproto objects from S3.
140,8190darmani_game7A Darmani game
140,8190appflux_rubyAppfluxRuby is a ruby library for integrating your rack based applications with https:/...
140,8190allenstone_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
140,8190app-yml-railsAn awesome app.yml gem for Rails. Supports App.settings.nested_setting syntax, all/prod...
140,8190eye-of-newtParses natural ingredients (e.g. "1 1/2 pounds of potatoes, peeled") into usable parts.
140,8190casesDefine case, and caseable callbacks for your methods in ruby. By defining cases you can...
140,8190bixbiteBixbite is a project initializer for dynamic to static publishing
140,8190acts_as_serializableEasy versioning of serialization methods
140,8190benschwarz-smokesmoke is a Ruby based DSL that allows you to query web services such as YQL, RSS / Atom...
140,8190cappCapp is a packet capture library that wraps libpcap. Capp provides a simple API for ca...
140,8190dev-nullFor all your logging needs
140,8190embed_testPublic placeholder for internal Swiftype gem
140,8190CurrencyStringConvert a Float into its String representation
140,8190events_emitterAn easy way for emitting events to Graphite, Redis, Pixels...