Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
149001-149020 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920hashematicsHashematics is a configuration-based object graphing tool which can turn a flat, single...
95,5920dailymile-rubyThis gem wraps the dailymile API that's available at http://www.dailymile.com/api
95,5920houston-vestal_versionsKeep a DRY history of your ActiveRecord models' changes
95,5920srikanth-helloA simple hello world gem
95,5920rmddGem for deployment
95,5920spree_custom_checkoutImplement a custom checkout with Spree. The goal here is to merge guest signup, address...
95,5920tablizerTable object generator for ruby.
95,5920emotidragonA simple gem to collect an array of, get sentiment about a string based on, determine i...
95,5920snapsearch-client-rubyRuby HTTP Client Middleware Libraries for SnapSearch. Search engine optimisation for si...
95,5920rswag_json_loaderLoad JSON schemas into RSwag's Swagger/OpenAPI spec
95,5920furs_fiscal_verificationFiscal verification of invoices (davčno potrjevanje računov)
95,5920cortex-plugins-coreThe combined set of Core FieldTypes for the Cortex CMS platform
95,5920raudiRaudi is adapter for programming avr controller without pain
95,5920failureImplements Either and Option a la Haskell
95,5920burstfmSuper cool Jekyll front matter generator
95,5920rapid-coreCode that understands code and can change it programmatically
95,5920FontAwesomeScrapperWith this gem you can retrieve all Font Awesome V5 icons and their unicode values.
95,5920rubaiSimple local http server for your local dirs
95,5920kana_rowDetect japanese kana row.