Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
149021-149040 of all 180,469 gems.
50,1070EmailListSample Gem creation and maintenance.
50,1070ssl_gateSSL Proxy
50,1070gromGrom is a Graph Object Mapper
50,1070ruboty-toggl_multimulti user toggl operation for ruboty
50,1070NutrientesEduEsta gema trabaja con los alimentos
50,1070restoready_themeCommand line tool to help with developing RestoReady themes. Provides simple commands t...
50,1070rollabilityRole and permission
50,1070rails-iframe-resizeriframe-resizer js package for rails
50,1070progress_printerLogs the progress of an operation, with estimated completion time.
50,1070kubectlipA command-line utility that gives the "native" interaction with applications on Kuberne...
50,1070localized_fieldsHelps you to create forms with localized fields using Mongoid.
50,1070to_x_extensionAdds `to_x` method to `TrueClass`, `FalseClass`, and `NilClass`
50,1070ipay-railsREST API Client for iPay payment gateway
50,1070generate-object-propertyPlaceholder by RubyGems security team
50,1070openai-pleaseConvert natural language to bash commands using OpenAI Codex
50,1070panda_maskA gem for masking any contact information such as websites, phone numbers, and emails i...
50,1070legacy-plaidThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
50,1070relaisRelais is a Rails Engine that helps generating static websites out of any Rails applica...
50,1070aiver_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.