Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
149161-149180 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700pdbookConvert PDB (Palm Database) Ebook to PDF format. Specially handle document from haodoo...
38,9700mina-secrets-transferHelps handling secrets files in Mina
38,9700state_machines_transactionsDescription of StateMachinesTransactions.
38,9700sdk_ruby_apis_efiA ruby gem for integration of your backend with the payment ser...
38,9700gettalong-webgenwebgen is used to generate static websites from templates and content files (which can ...
38,9700henry-containerThe Ruby Container for Henry
38,9700commentoCommento allows to work with database comments.
38,9700hola-triarius=== Deprecated ⚠️ This gem is no longer maintained. A fork exists at {https://github.c...
38,9700phone_number_validationRuby Library for the numverify API, Global Phone Number Validation & Lookup, https:...
38,9700gfranco-jeannyLib for obfuscation css class names
38,9700roku-iapVerify and manage Roku in app purchases
38,9700suresh_gemA simple hello world gem
38,9700magic_8_ballReturns a Magic 8-Ball answer
38,9700vanilla_selenium_wrapperthis gem contains the selenium wrapper
38,9700subconvtrDetects and converts windows-1254 encoding .srt files to utf8 encoding in the folder su...
38,9700kpn_winrmAdditional functions for acceptance testing, to run commands and puppet apply over WinR...
38,9700topo-provisionGenerate Chef provisioning recipes that can deploy resources such as instance and load ...
38,9700console-tetrisyou can play Tetris
38,9700whenhuba gem for the WhenHub API
38,9700active_record_json_mapBuild json