Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
149241-149260 of all 180,434 gems.
146,8342cfgdatabaseУдобная загрузка настроек Sequel и миграции для PostgreSQL.
146,8342bigbrothaYou can censor all comments and descriptions and any string that should be censored and...
146,8342blacklisted_passwordThis is a very simple gem to validate black listed password
146,8342cpanel_rubyGem to wrap cPanel API
146,8342deployrFIX (describe your package)
146,8342build-ubuntu-amiCreate customized ubuntu AMIs the hard (secure) way.
146,8342dc_address_lookupA Ruby gem to look up Washington, D.C. addresses in the master address registry, an off...
146,8342async_cachePattern and library for implementing asynchronous caching
146,8342bankscrap-openbankOpenbank adapter for Bankscrap
146,8342bin2hexConverts any binary file into a hex format text file
146,8342cap-laravelCapistrano tasks for deploying Laravel apps at Architect.
146,8342dianeCL gem for recording and playing back thoughts/ intel/ motivations without bloating...
146,8342cm_gemThis gem is used for the email validation and basic string operation like left padding,...
146,8342verveine-rubyFAMIX export of method visibility statistics in Ruby code
146,8342vr-corelibLibrary to make GUIs with Ruby. This library is a dependency of visualruby. This libr...
146,8342compass-pattern-primerA Compass extension to help create style guides
146,8342bagotrixrequire 'bagotrix'; Bagotrix.load 'my_snippet'
146,8342docker2plantumlGenerate PlantUML from "docker inspect" command.
146,8342rclustersRClusters creates clusters from a points hash using either pixel or surface distance ca...
146,8342yesmanCLI for quick creation of C++ projects using GTest