Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
149341-149360 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171postit_votecreating a voting gem for cross app voting
147,2171socrates_scraperScrapes user info from a cohort in Socrates
147,2171cloudinary_gemThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
147,2171romajicAutomatic romaji spelling checker. Let's write correct romaji.
147,2171carriotscarriots api wrapper
147,2171toml-rb-hsA Toml parser using Citrus parsing library.
147,2171directoryAn abstraction layer to help deal with directory in applications.
147,2171easy_respondersEasily setup responders in your controller
147,2171sip_digest_authImplementation of SIP Digest Authentication as specified in RFC3261
147,2171pro_monitorAn easily customizable way to monitor, aggregate, and format ActiveRecord model changes...
147,2171wanabe-definitionThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
147,2171pg_conduitStream data from one postgres database to another
147,2171thockett_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby by Michael Hartl - palindrome gem.
147,2171bcms_intensedebateIntegrate IntenseDebate commenting into your BrowserCMS site
147,2171acts_as_pickableRails gem allowing ActiveRecord models have always one element picked (selected).
147,2171tescoProductSearchFetches the product desciption, unit price, price, image, quantity of a given product i...
147,2171cmis_activeA CMIS library implementing both reading and updating capabilities through the AtomPub/...
147,2171arrozSimple attempt to build an IA framework in Ruby
147,2171dozenscliThis package provides a command line interface to Dozens REST API.
147,2171ridecharge-rubocopour special blend of crazy