Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
149321-149340 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700themanFasterCSV is great and all but when you get to 100mb files it takes a while and you may...
38,9700couch_potato-extensionsSee summary, it says it all, trust me.
38,9700tidtoolsTiddlyWiki utility tools. tiddler2texts, tidgrep twgrep.
38,9700networkxA Ruby implemenation of the well-known graph library called "networkx".
38,9700ruboswainWrapper for IXN specific RuboCop settings for managing custom settings across many proj...
38,9700hkn_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
38,9700rails-erd-umlWrite a longer description.
38,9700romanized_hebrewThe romanized_hebrew gem was built to convert the hebrew romanization commonly used by...
38,9700two_dFor a 2D array: A method which, when passed a term or array of terms, returns a hash as...
38,9700backup-agoddardBackup is a RubyGem, written for UNIX-like operating systems, that allows you to easily...
38,9700uploadableUpload your csv to activerecord model
38,9700keepassA Ruby library for accessing Keepass password databases
38,9700notify_hipchatSend notifications to HipChat from the CLI
38,9700jap_magJapMag is a collection of frequently-used Rails controller methods and helpers.
38,9700cache_wagonMaking your Rails 3 caching experience more fun!
38,9700silhouetteA 2 stage profiler
38,9700G4tA simple cli app to make the git commands more easy to you, commit, push and etc.
38,9700rails_decoratorsRails Decorators reimagines the role of helpers in the view layer of a Rails applicatio...
38,9700google-apis-sasportal_v1alpha1This is the simple REST client for SAS Portal API V1alpha1. Simple REST clients are Rub...
38,9700ios_config_profileGenerate Apple iOS configuration profiles and payloads