Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
149301-149320 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700flowtagpresents the user with a GUI interface to visualize and explore flows found from a give...
38,9700google-apis-remotebuildexecution_v2This is the simple REST client for Remote Build Execution API V2. Simple REST clients a...
38,9700swcdbThe SWC-DB Ruby module 'swcdb'
38,9700hackHack - Convenient git workflow
38,9700gohanlonllc-jewelerSimple and opinionated helper for creating Rubygem projects on GitHub
38,9700typeoutDead simple plain text to HTML converter
38,9700hello-package-abc-testingA simple hello world gem
38,9700gordoncww-godGod is an easy to configure, easy to extend monitoring framework written in Ruby.
38,9700the_whosTrabaja con los ID de IMDB para devolver en forma de array informacion como:/n ...
38,9700ca-data_storeThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
38,9700capistrano-contaoCapistrano recipes for Contao deployment
38,9700nuricA Ruby wrapper of Nuri language compiler
38,9700oop_rails_serverReliably runs a Rails server in a separate process, for use in tests, utilities, etc.
38,9700sec_edgarTool for querying the SEC database
38,9700rayWritten to play with Ruby
38,9700test_runno really
38,9700ansible-powerplayAnsible Powerplay, by way of its DSL, allows you to specify your...
38,9700sortable_tree_railsGUI for sortable tree to manage data organized in tree with ancestry gem.
38,9700xcfitXCFit is a full stack BDD framework in Xcode for iOS and macOS apps with Swift using Cu...
38,9700themanFasterCSV is great and all but when you get to 100mb files it takes a while and you may...