Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
149681-149700 of all 180,681 gems.
110,9731rake_pidManage pid file when run a rake task
110,9731ecdsa_signatureA gem to generate an ecdsa signature by an ethereum private key.
110,9731hello_sunhaoA simple hello world gem
110,9731travis-yamlparses and validates your .travis.yml, fast and secure
110,9731associative_memoryThis is a ruby gem that lets you implement categorization systems with ease. Associati...
110,9731five9_webapiThis is an API wrapper for [five9 - Cloud Contact Center Software](http://www.five9.com...
110,9731ali_gem-testA simple hello world gem
110,9731atlas2ipynbConverts all ch*.html files from Atlas into iPythyon Notebooks.
110,9731muru_test_gemHello World muru_test_gem Summary
110,9731brace_combAllows setting of dependenices between jobs and setting rules for dependency resolution
110,9731solrsamsolrsan is a lightweight wrapper for using Apache Solr within a Ruby application includ...
110,9731cloudeleteAR3 soft deletion
110,9731live_resource-rspecLiveResource RSpec integration
110,9731angelsWrapper for daemons gem
110,9731amtruby-amt gives you control over KVM (console redirection via VNC) and SOL (serial-over-...
110,9731data-attributesA gem for easy access to attributes stored in a serialized data hash
110,9731rpositivitySimple wrapper to BNL e-Positivity payment gateway
110,9731ApEyeRuby log monitor
110,9731merogemJust setting an example
110,9731build_log_parserParses various build metrics from builds logs (Rspec, Test::Unit, etc)