Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
149721-149740 of all 180,507 gems.
143,3840new_forty_twothis method checks, is your argument 42
143,3840envoy-cliThe Envoy command line interface handles almost all the heavy lifting for you during de...
143,3840matts_palindrometest deploy
143,3840nd_foundationWe are starting to use Foundation for internal web projects at Notre Dame, and having a...
143,3840machine_learnerThis is a library for machine learning. You can use AdaBoost and Naive Bayes easily.
143,3840northwestern-apiA Ruby wrapper for the ASG Northwestern Course data API
143,3840tinytestA small but extensible test framework.
143,3840wow_i18nI18n for World of Warcraft for Ruby
143,3840tplSimple rails views engine
143,3840markybootA quick gem to open a Markdown document in the default browser with some style applied.
143,3840my_string_extend_nThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
143,3840must-test-unitAs soon as you install this gem, you'll get the much more readable must 'do something' ...
143,3840mumukit-nuntiusLibrary for working with rabbit queues
143,3840omniauth-nightcrawlerOmniAuth support for Nightcrawler servers
143,3840mongo_maskerMasking production data mongodb for testing/development
143,3840meiboMeibo is a ruby library for OneRoster CSV Binding Japan Profile.
143,3840metrist_ipaPlugin to measure outgoing API call performance using Metrist
143,3840testaSimple test framework
143,3840no_requireFor non-rails ruby apps, NoRequire generates appropriate autoload statements so you no ...
143,3840xmodemA simple gem for XMODEM client and server application. Forked from modem_protocols and ...