Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
149761-149780 of all 180,507 gems.
143,3840not_analytics_clientClient for not-analytics
143,3840volumerbGem to manage the computer's volume
143,3840tomz-liblinear-ruby-swigRuby wrapper of LIBLINEAR using SWIG
143,3840voltron-svgAdds SVG helpers and on-the-fly generation of fallback images to rails
143,3840one_of_many_studio_game_gemsThis gem contains practice code created along with the Pragmatic Studios tutorial.
143,3840looky-lulooky-lu will generate standard look up data abilities for your rails application
143,3840oauth_doormancomposes authentification url, gets google acces_token of user account and gets access ...
143,3840omniauth-gitbookGitbook Oauth2 strategy for Omniauth.
143,3840markdown2codeConverts Markdown into commented executable code
143,3840torchProvides useful tools and extensions to speed up common scripting tasks.
143,3840nagios-dashboardA Nagios dashboard with OpsCode Chef integration.
143,3840lego-nxtRuby LEGO Mindstorms NXT 2.0 control via Bluetooth and USB. See http://github.com/natha...
143,3840voteable_figoMy first gem, help you count the vote
143,3840wiremock_mapperRuby DSL for setting up WireMock mappings
143,3840xlocalizeXcode localizations import/export helper tool
143,3840masetThis gem provides few libraries, which are Mapping and Categorize.
143,3840bootstrap-select2-railsSelect2 and Bootstrap 5 theme packaged as a Rails engine
143,3840test-gem-for-issue-qwerty123456Test gem for RubyDoc.info issue #185
143,3840message_bus-http_clientA Ruby HTTP client for message bus
143,3840montThis is still WIP