Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
150141-150160 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700luhn_validateValidate Card PAN by Luhn algorithm
38,9700namedargumentsThe author was too lazy to write a description
38,9700monkey_formsHelps make complex forms
38,9700AXElementsAXElements is a UI automation library built on top of various OS X frameworks. You can ...
38,9700soybeanGenerate soap web-services from you wsdl. Generate: all classes from xsd, and other.
38,9700amee-data-abstractionPart of the AMEEappkit this gem provides a data abstraction layer, decreasing the amoun...
38,9700jeremyf-gatticaGattica is a Ruby library for extracting data from the Google Analytics API.
38,9700ibm-bluemix-service_discoveryLibrary to support microservices interacting with the IBM Bluemix Service Discovery ser...
38,9700jeremyf-harvixtureHarvixture is a tool that can be used to extract data, in the form of fixtures, from a ...
38,9700gleboratorGleborator adds an decorators to models
38,9700blue-nginxA Nginx plugin for the Blue deployment framework
38,9700azukiClient library and command-line tool to deploy and manage apps on Azuki.
38,9700freshmail_apiRails gem for fast Freshmail integration
38,9700jekyll-theme-CMSMulti-level Filter: categories → tags → Posts → fileStructure ; 多级过滤: 大类 → 标签 → 文章 → 文章结构.
38,9700learning_ruby_studio_gameExercise files for Pragmatic Studio's Learn Ruby Course; The Larry Moe and Curly Knuckl...
38,9700spongecasesPoNgEcASe: everything you ever wanted in a sTrInG method
38,9700jekyll-spdx_licensesLiquid Tag to be used with Jekyll, which allows you to reference SPDX licenses within y...
38,9700railsblazerExplore your data with SQL. Easily create charts and dashboards, and share them with yo...
38,9700random_sassRandom number generators plugin for compass. Allows you to use a number of random numbe...