Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
150181-150200 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700rustbyRust test
38,9700fluent-plugin-mysql-2fluent plugin to insert mysql as json(single column) or insert statement
38,9700nxtControl a Lego Minstorms NXT 2.0 Brick See http://github.com/tchype/ruby-nxt for more i...
38,9700active-retsMore to come
38,9700mailtoUse email for customer communications.
38,9700my-ruby-sampleA sample Ruby gem.
38,9700railsmdbA CLI for assisting Rails programmers in creating and managing Rails projects that use ...
38,9700jeremyf-liquidA secure non evaling end user template engine with aesthetic markup.
38,9700jeremylightsmith-pistondescription of gem
38,9700jeremymcanally-contextIf you've ever wanted contexts in your Test::Unit tests, then context is for you. Your...
38,9700celsius-primo_ubpbUbpb specific primo celsius adapter
38,9700sensu-plugins-bluepillBluepill process supervisor plugins
38,9700tao_popoverA popover component based on Tao Framework.
38,9700excomFlexible and highly extensible Services for business logic organization
38,9700rabbit-slide-unasuke-omotesandorb-41omotesando.rb #41
38,9700zx-resultExpose an methods to create result object flow
38,9700flex_infinite_scrollInfinite scroll for Ruby on Rails applications on pure JavaScript.
38,9700hardpool-flatJekyll flat theme with bootstrap for personal portflio.
38,9700cocina_indexingMethods for indexing cocina-model instance data.
38,9700committed_changesA Ruby on Rails plugin which provides hash with changes committed to the database w...