Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
150441-150460 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051sketchup_jsonA simple JSON parser/generator suited to be used in Google Sketchup
103,2051grailbird_updaterTwitter now allows you to download your tweets. This tool lets you keep that archive up...
103,2051edumacator“Educates” quotes and replaces some other typographic characters like em-dashes (—) and...
103,2051loinclothHave you ever wanted to parse a subset of markdown, in a very innefficient way? Well, n...
103,2051git-dailygit-daily on Ruby is a tool which helps you to do daily workflow easier on Git. This is...
103,2051yh-docxFork of 'docx' gem
103,2051pomegranate-cliA command-line interface for creating a pomegranate.json file
103,2051logstash-output-stompThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
103,2051darmani_game66A Darmani game
103,2051mcu-spaceThe Space Stone gives the user power over space. Anyone holding the Space Stone can cre...
103,2051music_rangerLibrary to organize my MP3 collection
103,2051sandrods-odf-reportGenerates ODF files, given a template (.odt) and data, replacing tags
103,2051matilda-streamLazy stream implementation for Ruby
103,2051icodebreaker_gemGuess the secret code
103,2051gmapzIt eases the creation of Google Maps, it's responsive, supports the creation of multipl...
103,2051pivotaltrackerPivotal Tracker API v.5 client.
103,2051jingweiA gem like sphinx.
103,2051proxynovaSimple library to retrieve public IPs, PORT and other details such as speed, uptime, an...
103,2051milesMiles Platform Library
103,2051jekyll-autolinksAutomatically create DOMs from standard URLs.