Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
150521-150540 of all 180,543 gems.
129,5380trace_headerTraceHedaer is to inspect how the response headers would be changed by Rack middleware,...
129,5380worklogThe Worklog gem provides a simple domain-specific language (DSL) for tracking work time...
129,5380traitify-magisWrite a longer description. Optional.
129,5380walk_upA simple function for walking up a file directory until a certain file is found. ...
129,5380cos-sdkTecent COS SDK
129,5380fixturesnow you can do object.to_fixtures and use in tests
129,5380capcode-base-sequelCapcode plugin to access databases via Sequel
129,5380compass-jquery-mobile-pluginSimplified installation of jQuery Mobile for Compass users
129,5380active_admin_importerImport CSV's into activeadmin
129,5380vagrant-persistPersistent storage managemennt and mounting plugin to allow for additional virtual disk...
129,5380dynamic_nested_formsGem helps to make the simple dynamic control of multiple nested forms in Ruby on Rails ...
129,5380wavesOpen-source framework for building Ruby-based Web applications.
129,5380active_aggregateA toolkit for building queries like ActiveRelation. Rich support for more flexible merg...
129,5380fastlane-plugin-gitlab_releaseFastlane wrapper of gitlab-release-tools
129,5380work-mdTrack your work activities, write annotations, recap what you did for a week, month or ...
129,5380untied-consumer-sync-activerecordA ActiveRecord backend for Untied Consumer Sync.
129,5380admin_bitsAdminBits simplifies creation of sortable / searchable lists found in dashboards / admi...
129,5380ask_awesomelyCreate Typeforms on the fly, the Typeform way.
129,5380autotolkThis gem makes locales in tolk translate automatically (using bing).
129,5380votable_henryThe best voting gem ever.