Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
150461-150480 of all 180,660 gems.
113,0301jalcine-tlsmailThis gem provides SSL/TLS access to POP and SMTP servers by embedding the libssl librar...
113,0301rabwiiRabWii receives actions from Wii Remote and sends them to Rabbit. You can control Rabbi...
113,0301voteable_riggsNote: You will need to set up a vote model, so that you can associate votes to your ass...
113,0301flatter-extensionsSet of extensions to be used with Flatter gem. They provide a number of optional au...
113,0301radiant-search-extensionAn extension for Radiant CMS to support searching pages
113,0301orlando_eventsInformation for events in Downtown Orlando Florida
113,0301hierarchy_snapshotThis project adds the ability for ActiveRecord-based projects to automatically maintain...
113,0301provisionLets one hook a provision for a method
113,0301ipa_account_checkDisplays AppStore account from .ipa file
113,0301squadSquad uses Redis to store resources inspired by Ohm, and provides a simple DSL to easil...
113,0301wordify_zimmermanreverse, casify, spacify methods for strings
113,0301j1m_adminJekyll::Admin is a drop in administrative framework for Jekyll sites.
113,0301rabbit-slide-znz-openssh-on-debian9Debian 9 "Stretch" リリースパーティ in 関西 での LT の発表資料です。
113,0301sidekiq-cancellable-workerCancel Sidekiq workers at runtime
113,0301timingiseverythingA gem that tells you what part of the day it is
113,0301go-waldoFind where is your commit inside the Go pipelines
113,0301page_matchPageMatch: RSpec 2 matcher class for building custom Capybara matchers in acceptance te...
113,0301jruby-memcache-client-thoughtworksA drop in replacement for Ruby's memcache-client.Now with a stable jruby-memcached-rele...
113,0301tvdeyen-sassy_buttonsCross browser sassy css3 buttons using compass