Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
150801-150820 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171philosophers_studio_game_revampedThis is an example application used in The Pragmatic Studio's Ruby Programming course,...
147,2171rrivera2-rubycalcAn calculator implementation on ruby
147,2171asserterLightweight permissions asserter for Ruby and Rails applications
147,2171tiny_thriftRuby bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
147,2171sprockets-cache-memcacheA Memcache cache store for Sprockets, built on the base of sprockets-cache-redis
147,2171condition_builderThis gem assists in creating conditions and criteria for use in ActiveRecord .find stat...
147,2171capistrano-git-delete_repoSometimes you need to change the repo_url in Git. Run this to clean up after it.
147,2171clone.ioGenetically identical images that reproduce asexually.
147,2171at-the-moviesScraper for http://abc.net.au/atthemovies
147,2171crowdfund_mike_brooksPlease readme:)
147,2171yes_railsthis is a test
147,2171ruboty-heroku_statusruboty plugin for ちょっとHerokuの様子見てくる.
147,2171parassertCustom Assert runner for running tests in parallel.
147,2171policiesAuthorization control
147,2171type_is_enumA gem that implements the typesafe enum pattern in Ruby
147,2171tlb-testunitTLB ruby implementation base, which provides support for load balancing tests written i...
147,2171twin_turboThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
147,2171chessmongerExtensible grid game engine in Ruby.
147,2171ar-model-generatorUseful to generate namespaced database models for a legacy database