Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
150861-150880 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380model_to_excelexport columns of tables in rails to excel
89,5380peterc-whatlanguageWhatLanguage rapidly detects the language of a sample of text
89,5380ruby-pathSimple path-based search and lookup for Ruby.
89,5380stringedA library for Stringed instruments.
89,5380shovelA domain specific language for configuring ingestor processes
89,5380sentinel-apiGem to connect to ErrorReporterAPI
89,5380sso-authDescription of SsoAuth.
89,5380teamcity-rest-clientTeamcity rest api client (readonly)
89,5380hipstascaleHipstaScale helps create long-running processes that use NewRelic RPM information to sc...
89,5380lita-rundeckLita handler for interacting with Rundeck
89,5380rack-timer-statsdMeasure time spent in your Rack middlewares
89,5380sequel_authPlugin to add authentication methods to Sequel Model
89,5380gdocs2jekyllTiny tag generator to embed GDocs in Jekyll post
89,5380linkheaders-processorA parser/processor for Link Headers and Linksets in both JSON and Text formats.
89,5380logstash-output-s3-zstThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
89,5380edward-bioThis gem provides a command line tool that outputs a short version of Edward Ocampo-Goo...
89,5380snoopy_afipAdaptador para Web Service de Facturación Electrónica Argentina (AFIP)
89,5380json_checkerValidate fields and compare with others json files