Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
150841-150860 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380jekyll-reduce-title-redundancyA Jekyll plugin that repeats titles of posts so you don't have to
89,5380reindexerA gRPC-client that allows to interact with the Reindexer document-oriented database
89,5380git_reportingGit reporitng.
89,5380isolationUse this tool to run a chain of commands. A command error will not halt the chain, the ...
89,5380github-interactorInteract with github to pull users followers and repo information
89,5380squisherDo some simple addition
89,5380fakes3-dockerUse FakeS3 to test basic S3 functionality without actually connecting to S3
89,5380fastlane-plugin-dotenv_vaultDecrypt .env.vault file.
89,5380phantasmaRuby Phantasma API library
89,5380droonga-message-pack-packerThis MessagePack packer packs time values into W3C-TDF format string automatically. Bec...
89,5380transparent_nilNil values can be quite annoying. TransparentNil defines some methods for +nil+ so nil ...
89,5380host_configHostConfig is easy app configuration for Ruby apps that uses yml files to build up ...
89,5380gurgitate-mailgurgitate-mail is a mail filter. It can be used as a module or as a standalone app...
89,5380mblintCode Smell For IIB
89,5380jamie-ec2Jamie::Driver::Ec2 - A Jamie Driver for Ec2
89,5380sbireSbire is a command line tool that recognize your voice and execute commands linked
89,5380onetweetforeurukoEuruko ascii art in one tweet
89,5380resize-aws-instanceSimple tool to resize AWS instances with EBS root.
89,5380flashcam-rails-vagasFlashcam, tastefully bundled for the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline. Sweet! (forked from ruli...