Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
151081-151100 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171rbfmtFormat your Ruby code.
147,2171rudbmsA Ruby implementation of Edward Sciore's SimpleDB relational database management system
147,2171raccdocA Ruby way to speak the Raccdoc protocol
147,2171yolo_backupyolo_backup allows you to create incremental backups of multiple servers using rsync ov...
147,2171trelliLearning project which will hopefully result in a better CLI for Trello than those curr...
147,2171unistatsAn API for accessing the Unistats API, which provides data from the Higher Education Fu...
147,2171proxytestA test framework for testing proxy logic
147,2171tivoA convention-based web-request stubbing mechanism.
147,2171peepmemPeep memory of another process.
147,2171ristrettaRISTRETTA is a Redis based library to track time series events
147,2171scrapybara[WIP] Ruby library providing DSL for describing custom Web scrapers
147,2171peek-alt-routesEasily toggle alternate controllers and routes with peek.
147,2171consimiloCompare (consimilo) primitives such as Hash and Array deeply
147,2171play_dohpartial mocks on rr
147,2171platon.uaPlaton processing center.
147,2171we-rackWe extensions for Rack
147,2171vpim-rails-reinteractiveThis is vPim updated for use with Rails applications.
147,2171rl_hiya_lyons_davidThis library puts 'Hiya' when called
147,2171voteable_debA voting gem exercise