Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
151121-151140 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171wordify_coreyruginoMaking string cooler a couple different ways
147,2171addmegemto add two values
147,2171awesome_dumpGreat Ruby dubugging companion: pretty print Ruby objects to visualize their structure....
147,2171data_moverEffectively move data from one database to another.
147,2171serializedserialized will add some description soon
147,2171code_school_courseCode School course framework
147,2171shah-seed_dataCreate seed data rake tasks and use the new Model.create_or_update_seed() method to man...
147,2171raudraA minimal ORM for cassandra that you can tweak to your liking
147,2171ottinfra-codereviewInfrastructure libs for codereview notification.
147,2171papnothing to explain
147,2171searchkick-proAll the great features of Searchkick, and more
147,2171unkoJoke gem for unko.
147,2171wasifyPacks and runs Ruby code on WASM
147,2171wegift-ruby-clientA simple Ruby client for the WEGIFT API
147,2171sendgrid_webRuby interface for working with SendGrid's Web (HTTP) API. Read more at http://docs.sen...
147,2171stylizeStylize is a command-line utility that injects CSS into HTML documents
147,2171yard-structyard-struct allows users to document their classes created through Struct.new using a s...
147,2171pirate-shipPirate ship provides a simple DSL to set up delivery of R output
147,2171roger_url_relativizerProcessor for relativizing URL's templates
147,2171rdstation-sfTest gem which integrates RDStation and SalesForce API to pass 'Pes...