Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
152061-152080 of all 180,459 gems.
132,0350state_run_mediaAutomatically publish events upon state transitions. All you have to do is subscribe.
132,0350opentox-clientRuby wrapper for the OpenTox REST API (http://www.opentox.org)
132,0350html2erba tag to link_to, img tag to image
132,0350elisehuard-media_feedGem to easily extract information out of a media feed
132,0350not_a_mockA cleaner and DRYer alternative to mocking and stubbing with RSpec
132,0350honey_badgerGet a nice, clean badge displaying your Rails Environment or other helpful info. Want t...
132,0350dependabot_reportDependabot artifacts are all locked up in github, but sometimes you need to share that ...
132,0350lita-github-web-hooksGitHub web hook integration for Lita.
132,0350kempelenModern Ruby integration with Amazon's Mechanical Turk.
132,0350archetype-base-hybridAn Archetype extension that provides hooks into Normalize.css, HTML5 Boilerplate, and a...
132,0350sql-rewriterRuby library for SQL injection and re-writing in ActiveRecord
132,0350timechunkerSimple class to chunk a time range into ranges of a defined size.
132,0350novellaMinimalistic theme for Jekyll with colors from Solarized.
132,0350hyper_iteratorImplementation of Ruby Iterators with High Performance
132,0350dfmoreto_holaA simple hello world gem
132,0350zeke-monkey_patchesA handly collection of helper methods, primarily for String and Array
132,0350alarm_itAssociate alarms to any model
132,0350alphabetifyTaking an existing alphabetic hash (of any length), will return the next hash in sequen...
132,0350toroTransparent, extensible background processing for Ruby & PostgreSQL
132,0350courseraThin Ruby wrapper for beta Coursera API