Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
152121-152140 of all 180,709 gems.
121,9910grapevinecreates a work environment including grape, roar, rspec, sequel to develop REST archite...
121,9910omniauth-yubikeyOmniAuth strategy for authenticating against the Yubico API with a Yubikey OTP
121,9910lita-asakaiDaily Standup Facilitator
121,9910PokemonGeneratorThis gem is a Pokemon wrapper for engineers can call simple functions ...
121,9910leaflet-zoomfs-railsIntegrates the Leaflet ZoomFS plugin with Rails asset pipeline
121,9910git-restartThis gem can be used to (re)start scripts whenever a GitHub push event is recorded. The...
121,9910poppacalypse_palindromeAdds 'palindrome?' method to String class
121,9910musicbrainz_rubyMusicbrainz.org API Ruby Implementation
121,9910gitlab-bundler-audit-parserGitLab parser for bundler-audit gem output
121,9910hola-sosliA simple hello world gem
121,9910onemorecloud-websolr-railsacts_as_solr compatible gem for websolr
121,9910knife-briefcaseKnife plugin to store GPG-encrypted data in Chef data bag
121,9910null_cache_storeA backport of ActiveSupport::Cache::NullStore for Rails < 3.2
121,9910natlownes-desertDesert is a component framework for Rails that allows your plugins to be packaged as mi...
121,9910plupload-rails4This gem integrates Plupload 1.5.7 with the Rails 4.0 asset pipeline.
121,9910poly_belongs_toUniform Omni-Relational ActiveRecord Tools. Includes polymorphic and any belongs_to re...
121,9910loiol-practiceBrainfuck interpreter writen in Ruby
121,9910jekyll-nav-genGenerate Nav for site.
121,9910gemggkWrite a longer description or delete this line.