Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
152141-152160 of all 180,709 gems.
121,9910rack-transformRack::Transform is a middleware that attemps to make a compatibility layer between two ...
121,9910jquery-geolocateMap-railsjquery.geolocateMap integration with rails 3.1 Asset pipeline
121,9910fancy_tableCreate fancy tables which are semantic HTML5, are easy tostyle, and are beautiful.
121,9910mws-rbA complete wrapper for Amazon.com's Marketplace Web Service (MWS) API.
121,9910front_end_loaderFront End Loader allows clients to declare load tests using a pure-Ruby DSL. This means...
121,9910klaas1979-ivy4r-jarsContains all java jar dependencies for ivy4r[http://github.com/klaas1979/ivy4r/tree/mas...
121,9910netroots-ruby-votesmartA wrapper for the Project Vote Smart API
121,9910newbamboo-rspecBehaviour Driven Development for Ruby.
121,9910opsaskAsk Ops for stuff.
121,9910guard-middlemanGuard gem for Middleman - automatically runs middleman build
121,9910greyThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
121,9910hola_yanethA simple hello world gem
121,9910local_gemYou have the beginnings of a ruby library and you want to access it quick. You don't wa...
121,9910icingaFacilitates communication with Icinga servers.
121,9910gbbibGdBib: retrieve Chinese GB Standards for bibliographic use using the BibliographicItem ...
121,9910jquery-tipsyTipsy (http://onehackoranother.com/projects/jquery/tipsy/) integration gem to use with ...
121,9910ivyxxcspcqlaocvjbghawvbdartwsfffurhnqzlwvsbgieweawfntuwecdcminmiaunqteqgbrfuxppntjdvyvsswxwepnbfqstnrnsotrhndihkudyahthaxatviwrwtgllwbqhibouqctrxtypacI hope I didn't take up a gem name somebody else wanted
121,9910graph_libruby gem for a very minimal graph implementation
121,9910openapi-rswag-uiExpose beautiful API documentation, that's powered by Swagger JSON endpoints, including...
121,9910onering-report-mysqlPlugin for information about MySQL via the Onering client utility