Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
152161-152180 of all 180,709 gems.
121,9910one_page_checkoutSingle Page Checkout For SpreeCommerce
121,9910fortum_readerFortum Reader can read readings from Fortum Web site using screen scraping techniques. ...
121,9910numerologyFormat numbers using human readable examples.
121,9910form-reflexA library reflex to provide realtime form validation using the validations you already ...
121,9910pbyfUse this gem to pull data from the Yahoo Finance site, and do some basic calculations w...
121,9910handset_detectionUse the HandsetDetection.com API from Ruby.
121,9910hublingoSeek the languages they love
121,9910newegg_top_gamesA CLI for viewing the top selling games on newegg.com.
121,9910push-gcmGCM support for the modular push daemon.
121,9910jquery-easy-railsThis jquery.easy was built using the library at http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/
121,9910open_polygonthis gem can calculate the area of any polygon
121,9910glipperImplementation of drapers for the rails views
121,9910orionOrion allows you to perform some file-related tasks in the filesystem.
121,9910omniauth-braveidOmniAuth strategy for BraveID
121,9910handcashRuby gem for handcash's API @ http://handcash.io/api-docs
121,9910hobby-corsA Rack middleware for CORS, with permissive defaults.
121,9910koke-mydiff== DESCRIPTION:
121,9910fir-cli-xfir.im command tool, support iOS and Android
121,9910korin-resource_controllerRails RESTful controller abstraction plugin.
121,9910nezetic-ruby-xbmcruby-xbmc is a ruby wrapper for the XBMC Web Server HTTP API. It provides a remote acc...