Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
153741-153760 of all 180,434 gems.
146,8342uclRead configuration file in UCL format (binding to the libucl).
146,8342vellumA Rails engine to provide help pages for Concerto
146,8342can_self_do_itProvide modules to work with sereveral permission policies
146,8342chrono_apiTimer API
146,8342xml_data_builderXmlDataBuilder renders Ruby data structures as XML using Builder.
146,8342untangleLeightweight dependency API for your POROs
146,8342chef-readbagGet stuff out of chef databags.
146,8342capkinUploads your apps to Google Play
146,8342cryptopay-rubyThe official Ruby gem for the Cryptopay API
146,8342yammyStop abusing i18n! Yammy provides a simple YAML-based way for nontechnical stakeholder...
146,8342code_onlineA simple and automated bot over interface of GS1' codeonline website.
146,8342gs2-ruby-sdk-notificationGame Server Services GS2-Notification Client Library
146,8342linear_graphA gem to graph lines
146,8342blumeBlume allows you to generate a static website from certain Sinatra projects.
146,8342zenslapClient for zenslap continuous integration
146,8342blinkman-twitter_searchBlinkman adapter for Twitter Search API.
146,8342ddg-wrapperA Ruby Library wrapper around Duck Duck Go Instant Search API
146,8342deep_attributesDeep Attributes allows to treat complex attributes as such. Right now the only way to a...
146,8342cfmx_compatA Ruby encryption library compatible with the CFMX_COMPAT standard used in ColdFusion
146,8342configly-rubyConfigly SDK gem