Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
154421-154440 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171sweet_alertThis gem provides Sweet alert for your Rails application.
147,2171active_record_json_explainThis gem extends `ActiveRecord::Relation#explain` to make it possible to get EXPLAIN in...
147,2171deterministic_random_usernameGenerate random or deterministic Heroku-style names
147,2171arthurgeek-kitabuA framework for creating e-books from Markdown/Textile text markup using Ruby. Using th...
147,2171txtlocalAn API wrapper for txtlocal.co.uk
147,2171vagrant-uploadUpload Provisioner
147,2171threadsafe_benchmarkAllows for thread-safe benchmarking
147,2171emailpmsreturns true if the given email is correct, otherwise returns alert.
147,2171dataMetaParseDataMeta Parser commons; common rules and some reusable grammars
147,2171opentracing-instrumentedOpenTracing instrumentation helpers
147,2171simple_matrixSimple, updatable matrix object with named rows/columns.
147,2171rvdA simple rvd gem
147,2171rubysl-delegatorRuby Standard Library - delegator
147,2171rails3_csrf_patcherPatch your rails app due to protect from the CSRF vulnerability.
147,2171solidus_log_viewerAdds the ability to view payment logs in the admin
147,2171ruuabyRUUABY - Russian, Ukraine, Belarus regions, areas and cities
147,2171turboSMTPLibrary for sending emails using turboSMTP
147,2171capsCaps parses CSS into Abstract Syntax Trees