Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
154481-154500 of all 180,599 gems.
131,2430bundler-githubA hack for using shorthand like `:github => 'ambethia/recaptcha'` instead of a full...
131,2430bible_gatewayAn unofficial 'API' for BibleGateway.com.
131,2430fastlane-plugin-podspec_dependency_versioningEdit the versions of your podspec dependencies
131,2430anacondaDead simple file uploading to S3
131,2430coffee_machineRun Java classes and jars from Ruby.
131,2430api_engineAn API engine for Rails. Structure of the API is opinionated and designed to directly i...
131,2430berks-monolithTools for working with cookbooks as if they were inside a monolithic repository
131,2430yam-ruby-metricsA Ruby implementation of metrics inspired by @coda's JVM metrics for those of us in Rub...
131,2430volayReally simple volume system tray written in ruby.
131,2430wordplaySome interesting methods to use on words.
131,2430bichoLibrary to access bugzilla
131,2430activefedora-aggregationAggregations for active-fedora
131,2430easy_shellExecute shell commands, with options like verbose output, confirm first, and continue o...
131,2430active_admin_themelyTenji's Custom CSS and Bootstrap CSS for Active Admin
131,2430deadpullShare config securely with your servers and organization using AWS S3.
131,2430analytics-rbA Ruby interface to the Google Analytics API
131,2430ceolA CLI for controlling a Denon CEOL DRA-N5/RCD-N8 system.
131,2430colectiveroAPI Wrapper para el Cuándo Llega del Ente de Transporte de Rosario
131,2430binding-debugDebug output. `name : value`