Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
154441-154460 of all 180,599 gems.
131,2430critical-path-css-railsOnly load the CSS you need for the initial viewport in Rails!
131,2430csrmatrixCSR matrix implementation for Ruby. https://github.com/Team-Aqua/Matrix-Library
131,2430activity-logRails Activity Logger
131,2430armaduraArmadura generates Rails projects, preconfigured with sensible defaults.
131,2430bio-svgenesThis bio-gem facilitates the creation of pretty, publication quality SVG images from fe...
131,2430wavecell_otp_and_smsProcess your SMS notifications using Wavecell API
131,2430darmani_game13A Darmani game
131,2430word_zooTo use this, please include WordZoo as a module in your model.
131,2430elektronaut-apparat_clientRuby SOAP interface for apparat.no's SMS service
131,2430chime-trafficThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
131,2430binance-connectorThis is a lightweight library that works as a connector to the Binance public API.
131,2430adaboostAdaBoost classifier!
131,2430ariadneFollow the code
131,2430color_the_circlesColor The Circles game (desktop application) produced during RubyConf 2023 Community Da...
131,2430action_treeActionTree is a DRY request router. It provides a compact DSL for defining actions and ...
131,2430ambitious_seederCreate seeds for rails apps and load them in. Make it easier to manage data between you...
131,2430db_cache_storedb_cache_store is an alternative rails cache engine, that will use database server
131,2430duck_chainA simple Rails 3 Gem that extends ActiveRecord. Let's you specify model attributes to d...
131,2430fastlane-plugin-google_chat_v2google chat v2
131,2430fenix-assetsLightweight web framework inspired by Sinatra