Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
126761-126780 of all 182,869 gems.
126,7544,494panjiva-oauth-pluginRails plugin for implementing an OAuth Provider or Consumer
126,7544,494paper_rock_scissorsI am an English teacher in South Korea, and the children here don't play rock, paper, s...
126,7544,494scope_by_fuzzyThe scope_by_fuzzy gem uses the set of functions of contrib/fuzzystringmatching for Pos...
126,7544,494humpyardHumpyard is a Rails CMS
126,7544,494sprout-ruby-awsLibraries for Amazon Web Services (ruby-aws) is a set of libraries and tools designed t...
126,7544,494activerain-mongrel_runitUse runit to manage a mongrel cluster
126,7674,493frabr_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palidrome detector
126,7674,493date_breakupFeed in 2 dates and get a breakup of dates grouped in years, months, weeks & days
126,7674,493lib_ruby_diffRuby bindings for librsync signature generation, patch generation, and patch applicatio...
126,7674,493braspag-apiIntegração com a API da Braspag
126,7674,493buildpack-utilsProvides a set of utilities for use in Cloud Foundry buildpacks
126,7674,493debotCustom recipes that extend capisttrno for provisioning and deploying rails application ...
126,7674,493cricket_score_notifierProvides a realtime notification of ongoing cricket matches.
126,7674,493epayco%q{The EPayCo Gem provides methods to create, process and manage payment.}
126,7674,493einvoice-qr-encryptorEncrypt, decrypt and generate QR code information for einvoice(Taiwan)
126,7674,493hapyrusHapyrus Library and CLI for Ruby
126,7674,493riot-carrierwaveriot macros for carrierwave testing
126,7674,493pg_migratorThis tool provides a set of Rake tasks to apply changes on different Postgres environme...
126,7674,493vioVectored I/O extension for Ruby MRI (1.8.{6,7} and 1.9.2)