Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
126801-126820 of all 182,869 gems.
126,7914,492cache_migrationActiveSupport::Cache::Store implementation to help migrating caches
126,7914,492P4Ruby-mingwx86Built with Perforce API 2014.1(mingwx86), P4Ruby 2012.1 and Ruby 1.9.3. ...
126,7914,492svnbranchSvnbranch is a program that can assist with managing Subversion branches. Svnbranch al...
126,7914,492icbmA content management gem for rails
126,7914,492simpleexpressionsimple algebraic expressions library
126,8064,491databasedotcom_empA ruby wrapper for the REST API
126,8064,491textgraphparser of ascii-art graph
126,8064,491twelveA complete, simple, and intuitive ruby API for all things Gauges.
126,8064,491o_dbmObject Base dbm.
126,8064,491fb_joyObject wrappers for nodes in the Facebook OpenGraph
126,8064,491fluent-plugin-nginx-statusNginx status page monitor for FleuntD
126,8064,491html_tableCreates horizontal html tables from ruby objects.
126,8064,491export_to_cloudAdds a class method to all ActiveRecord models in Rails that exports all rows in a sing...
126,8064,491omniauth-sinaOmniAuth strategy for Sina
126,8064,491difio-openshift-rubyDifio registration agent for OpenShift / Ruby applications. See the README for Usage.
126,8064,491rdf_for_sqliteRDF for SQLite is a container gem for getting the simplest RDF-based applications off t...
126,8064,491github_issuesGithub API connector
126,8064,491webspeakdescription of gem
126,8064,491real_fkThis plugin extends the base Rails ActiveRecord::Migration with so...
126,8064,491short_stackA short sinatra like pancake stack