Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
126861-126880 of all 182,869 gems.
126,8604,488confirm-with-revealWrapper for for agoragames confirm-with-reveal. That library can be found here: https:/...
126,8604,488pangel-sg-rubyA SimpleGeo Ruby Client
126,8604,488modestyModesty is simple and scalable split testing and event tracking framework. It was inspi...
126,8604,488openstudioInstalls OpenStudio Ruby Bindings to help create EnergyPlus and Radiance Models
126,8604,488sitemap_pingRuby module for ping xml sitemaps to search engines.
126,8604,488lite-regulationCollection of mixins to regulate the state of a database record
126,8604,488steamprofileLoads a given steam profile in ruby
126,8604,488path-paperclipEasy upload management for ActiveRecord
126,8604,488zgzgcaseAlternates uppercase and lowercase across letters
126,8604,488coffeekupperCoffeeKup compiler for Asset Pipeline
126,8604,488gapiGoogle Analytics Data Export API wrapper which supports rack style middleware for e.g. ...
126,8604,488fluent-plugin-fnordmetricfnordmetric plugin for fluent, an event collector
126,8604,488oklasoft-verhoeffPure-Ruby implementation of the Verhoeff checksum algorithm.
126,8604,488require_hooksExtend ActiveSupport to run blocks before or after a file is "require_or_load"ed into m...
126,8604,488ghaki-registryGhaki Registry is a helper library for registering and loading features.
126,8604,488sprout-flexlib-libraryOpen Source Flex 2 Component Library
126,8604,488sms_ruGem to send SMS via service
126,8604,488person_nameManages all person name fields (prefix, first name, middle name, intercalation, last na...
126,8604,488reevooRuby wrapper around the Reevoo XML API
126,8804,487foreman_ovmProvision and manage Oracle Virtual Machines from Foreman.