Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
127721-127740 of all 180,671 gems.
127,7164,272friendly_timeProvides casual time strings, such as "about a minute ago"
127,7164,272dm-fixturesA rip of some of ActiveRecord's fixtures helpers, ported to DataMapper. For the conserv...
127,7164,272benchmark_driver-output-chartyShow graph on benchmark_driver using charty.gem
127,7164,272neto_api_rubyThis gem provide a wrapper to deal with NETO REST API
127,7164,272cocoapods-gdCocoaPods plugin which allows you to generate a framework or static library from a pods...
127,7164,272smart_filtersSmart Filters is an implementation of what you see in the Smart Playlist dialog in iTun...
127,7164,272younker-blogA blog app
127,7164,272compass-heliumHelium is a frontend responsive web framework for rapid prototyping and production-read...
127,7164,272scrudlerEasy to configure scaffolder that does the work client side and makes one crud request ...
127,7304,271matchaUnit test your Rails JavaScript with the mocha test framework and chai assertion library
127,7304,271gorynichMultitenancy for Rails including ActiveRecord, ActionCable, ActiveJob and other subsystems
127,7304,271hello_milindMy first gem with language convertor
127,7304,271gfm2confluenceThis tool can be used to convert the git hub flavoured markdown format to the wiki mark...
127,7304,271blastoffA simple Jekyll theme built with Blast Off
127,7304,271extismA library for loading and executing WASM plugins
127,7304,271collectd-formatterTake arguments and return a structure that formats to JSON nicely
127,7304,271highlight-codehighlight-code will help you post-process an XHTML document containing code examples in...
127,7304, OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth
127,7304,271isunitIsUnit ensures your unit tests don't have external dependencies or dependencies on othe...
127,7304,271rack-session-mopedRack session store for MongoDB