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127761-127780 of all 180,643 gems.
127,7554,267trailersCurrently it interfaces with the Traileraddict API, future versions will support HTML5 ...
127,7554,267mongo_hydratorMongoHydrator takes a document, represented as a Ruby Hash, and efficiently updates it ...
127,7554,267html_table_railsThis will add rails templating to html_table
127,7554,267feyWraps the Fey Language to Javascript compiler.
127,7554,267interu-backupBackup is a RubyGem, written for Linux and Mac OSX, that allows you to easily perform b...
127,7554,267sensu-plugins-newrelic-boutetnicoSensu newrelic plugins
127,7554,267yarlispI must assume that someone has already implmented Lisp in Ruby and thus I name this 'Ye...
127,7554,267rubydownrubydown is R Markdown clone for Rubyists.
127,7554,267to_camel_caseConverts strings like "to_camel_case" into Camel Case: "ToCamelCase".
127,7554,267bundler-shellsplit-pluginPlugin to fix shell splitting of bundle config arguments in Bundler 1.17.3 to Bundler 2...
127,7554,267klap_p8pushapple push notifications using only the new p8 format not the older pem format. fork fr...
127,7554,267calendar_date_select_rails3Calendar date picker for rails
127,7554,267wmci-viewpointA Ruby client access library for Microsoft Exchange Web Services (EWS). Examples can b...
127,7554,267weeblybundlerUsed to for packaging and publishing Weebly platform App bundles
127,7554,267notaryA small collection of tools for verify BTC transactions and wallet balances
127,7554,267guess4rlibguess binding for ruby 1.9 or later.
127,7774,266omniauth-mercadopagoA MercadoPago strategy for OmniAuth
127,7774,266kpietrzk_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
127,7774,266app_earningsAllows easy calculation of revenue sharing by app and in-app purchases. Munges the mon...
127,7774,266tentd-adminDefault app for managing Tent server administration (e.g. apps, profile, followings, fo...