Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
127801-127820 of all 180,459 gems.
127,7984,247aritcaptcha-keeguonArithmetic Captcha
127,7984,247contextual_modelsrole-based contexts for active record models
127,7984,247genkiGenki is a full-stack framework optimized for quick and easy creation of beautiful APIs.
127,7984,247blankBlank is a rich Markdown editor for the web.
127,7984,247law_of_demeter_violatorViolate the Law of Demeter hardcore with this too-easy-to-use library.
127,7984,247MyCommerceMyCommerce is an open source e-commerce framework for Ruby on Rails where you will be a...
127,7984,247isolation_testTesting Rails::Engine boot proccess.
127,7984,247crowbar-validate-databagsValidates databags of crowbar.
127,7984,247mm-transitionsa simple mongomapper plugin to add a full featured state machine to your models
127,7984,247qrThis gem generates QR-Codes.
127,7984,247arcticelvisArcticElvis will help you get more fish, aka sell more. This is a fishing pole.
127,8124,246iq-countryLookups for country codes, states and currencies
127,8124,246adkron-data_bankMarshal data to be loaded on sequential runs of your script.
127,8124,246erlashError abstraction to simplify the creation of descriptive errors.
127,8124,246dates_toolboxA full featured rubygem for manipulating dates.
127,8124,246jekyll-crosseverything-to-mediumThis generator cross-everything entries to Medium. To work, this script requires a ME...
127,8124,246immutable_modelMake specific attributes of an ActiveRecord model immutable
127,8124,246ruby-beaconpushA wrapper for BeaconPush API.
127,8124,246to_slug_2encapsulation of this solution
127,8124,246My-CommerceMY-COMMERCE is an open source e-commerce framework for Ruby on Rails.