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130141-130160 of all 180,709 gems.
130,1324,147spree_promotion_codesAllow multiple codes for Spree Promotions
130,1324,147roodi1.9Roodi stands for Ruby Object Oriented Design Inferometer. It parses your Ruby code and ...
130,1324,147svdirThe svdir package controls service directories, a scheme for reliably controlling daemo...
130,1324,147docx_converterConverts Word docx files into html or LaTeX via the kramdown syntax. It supports Word's...
130,1324,147sinatra-twilioEasily create Twilio apps with Sinatra
130,1324,147easy-bootstrapAbletech's version of Twitter Bootstrap
130,1324,147chucknorrisA ruby gem which displays random chuck norris jokes
130,1324,147mikanBackend application for managing Rails application.
130,1324,147wysihtml5_gema quick a simple gem to wrap and install wysihtml5 into a rails gem so that its assets ...
130,1324,147tuxedoWrapper for cane and reek used to produce better style with better output.
130,1514,146wildsonet-hazelcastHazelcast integration and surrounding features.
130,1514,146vagrant-actionioEnables Vagrant to manage boxes in Action.IO.
130,1514,146otpuiOne Time Password Ui
130,1514,146reductioReductio is a functional programming library inspired by the interfaces of Ramda, an FP...
130,1514,146schedule_fuScheduleFu allows scheduling events with dates and times. It includes both the model an...
130,1514,146pay2goPay2go Wrapper
130,1514,146github-graphql-clientGraphQL client for GitHub GraphQL API
130,1514,146file_synced_queueQueue will lost data , to avoid queue lost this class sync data into file. so even when...
130,1514,146icarusbuild and deployment framework for big kids
130,1514,146capistrano-pumactlPuma server control tasks for Capistrano 3.x