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Most downloads over all time
130221-130240 of all 180,554 gems.
130,2104,128romanenko_new_gemHome work exercise for GubyGarage - write, deploy and install my own gem
130,2104,128my_string_extend_barrrtThis is a test gem. DO NOT USE. The library opens up the String class and adds a method...
130,2104,128adamantiteA local password manager written in Ruby.
130,2104,128resque_any_methodProvides Resque with functionality to asynchronously process any method. This can help ...
130,2254,127redis_on_herokuRedis on heroku -- without relying on external services.
130,2254,127binda-apiBinda plugin that adds a GraphQL api to your applicaiton
130,2254,127zoolanderAn example gem that extends ActionView and prints Zoolander quotes
130,2254,127youtube_analyticsA Ruby wrapper for the YouTube Analytics API
130,2254,127tabloidTabloid allows the creation of cacheable report data using a straightforward DSL and ou...
130,2254,127transferTransfer data from any source database, supported Sequel, to ActiveRecord, Sequel or Mo...
130,2254,127webflowTool to build guided wizards in a Rails application
130,2254,127beagleboardLibrary to manipulate beagleBoard devices.
130,2254,127zaimA Ruby wrapper for the Zaim API.
130,2254,127recently_ps4_gamesWith this gem, you can see the lists of new and upcoming PS4 games and inquire the deta...
130,2254,127my_string_extend_dem1Test only - The library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which re...
130,2254,127rtorRTor is a comprehensive Ruby library for Tor. Included are grammars for Tor's proto...
130,2254,127rdf-rdfobjectsAn object oriented interface for working with Resource Description Framework (RDF) data...
130,2254,127rspec_failsafe_formatterThe maven-failsafe-plugin can be used for integration testing. Rspec can be used for ...
130,2254,127tbddev_palindromeRuby Gem to detect palindromes in integers and strings
130,2254,127ruby_contextRun your code inside of a context, like in Reactjs context API