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Most downloads over all time
130161-130180 of all 180,709 gems.
130,1514,146storage-da-esstorage gem
130,1514,146opentelemetry-adapters-ethonEthon instrumentation adapter for the OpenTelemetry framework
130,1514,146stlrstlr is a couple of mixins for sass
130,1514,146bones-rpc-celluloidBones::RPC asynchronous client for ruby
130,1514,146google-cloud-gke_multi_cloud-v1Anthos Multi-Cloud provides a way to manage Kubernetes clusters that run on AWS and Azu...
130,1514,146artyA tool to generate montage images for album art
130,1514,146status_fileUse this to store status information from across a big-program while keeping it simple.
130,1514,146kernel-letMonkey patch adding Kernel#let for Scheme-style variable bindings.
130,1514,146revans_right_aws== DESCRIPTION: The RightScale AWS gems have been designed to provide a robust, fast, ...
130,1514,146poeticsPoetics implements CoffeeScript ( directly o...
130,1714,145configify-rbSimple utility to set config properties
130,1714,145colirThis library is about HEX colours.
130,1714,145twitter-bootstrappedTwitter Bootstrap 2 for Rails 3
130,1714,145resque-futureResque plugin that allows querying future jobs for it's result, for example: job = R...
130,1714,145ybktesting gem
130,1714,145opentelemetry-exporters-datadogThis exporter has been deprecated. To export your OTLP traces from OpenTelemetry SDK di...
130,1714,145hhry-typhoeusLike a modern code version of the mythical beast with 100 serpent heads, Typhoeus runs ...
130,1714,145my_string_extend_srlunarThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
130,1714,145spreadsheetkitCreate XLSs using HTML+CSS. The objective is the same of PDKKit, but for spreadsheets.
130,1714,145hemiA simplistic game engine based on SDL2. Because I can.