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131401-131420 of all 180,518 gems.
131,3824,068riffolaLibrary reading an extended RIFF format, supporting huge files. RIFF format is composed...
131,3824,068best_in_place_rails_4BestInPlace is a jQuery script and a Rails 3 helper that provide the method best_in_pla...
131,3824,068andrewtimberlake-flickrAn insanely easy interface to the Flickr photo-sharing service. By Scott Raymond. Maint...
131,4044,067piRitubapiRituba é nois
131,4044,067rallyAMQP-based deployment and management utility
131,4044,067cross_time_calculationIf you want to compute the same user's online time from server log, who comes from mult...
131,4044,067assemblyAssembles Models with valid attributes
131,4044,067yascYet another spelling checker
131,4044,067mesh_mysql_adapterMesh MySQL Adapter
131,4044,067polyseerioThe official SDK for Ruby.
131,4044,067time_periodStore time periods as "1 week" or "2 months" in a single column, with reasonable simple...
131,4044,067andyjeffries-cliANSI styling and other utilities for writing CLI Ruby tools
131,4044,067sc-railsThis gem adds handlebars.js compilation to the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline and provides pa...
131,4044,067spreadsheet_db_refistore spreadsheet data in a sqilte db
131,4044,067sequinSequin is a collection of commands to list, test and modify sequences of files on disk.
131,4044,067datatables_records_mapperThis gem interprets the parameters passed by the ajax call made by the datatables plugi...
131,4044,067merleTest of gem for heroku
131,4044,067cloudrunpdfGenerate PDF with Google Cloud Function.
131,4044,067boneheadRetry blocks of code when they raise an exception.
131,4044,067treequel-shellTreequel-Shell is a collection of LDAP tools based on the Treequel LDAP toolkit. It in...