Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
131461-131480 of all 182,339 gems.
131,4564,200transis_loggerLogging, the Transis way
131,4564,200ambethia-rack-google_analyticsEmbeds GA tracking code in the bottom of HTML documents
131,4564,200rtorRTor is a comprehensive Ruby library for Tor. Included are grammars for Tor's proto...
131,4564,200asterank-rubyRuby Client to connect to Asterank APIs
131,4564,200fog-sgonyeaThe Ruby cloud services library. Supports all major cloud providers including AWS, Rack...
131,4564,200simply_editRails gem that makes updating a field from a database via ajax simply by converting a l...
131,4564,200gtk3webtableAn example of how to use WebKit with Ruby's GirFFI Gtk3-extension.
131,4564,200minitest-ccPlugin for minitest. It provides minimal information about code coverage.
131,4564,200vanilla-jsconnectRuby client library for Vanilla forums to connect websites with Single Sign On (SSO) th...
131,4564,200psn_api_arpsn api binding from
131,4564,200mockiA micro library for mocking up APIs with Sinatra.
131,4564,200sbmt-kafka_consumerThis gem is used for consuming Kafka messages. It represents a wrapper over Karafka gem...
131,4564,200eolA wrapper for the Encyclopedia of Life API. It provides simple methods to call all of ...
131,4564,200synchronicityIncludes CountDownLatch, a synchronization aid that allows one or more threads to wait ...
131,4564,200omniauth-ohlohOhloh strategy for OmniAuth
131,4564,200pwt_pdfrendererInsert PdfRenderer description.
131,4784,199fog-gridfsAllows fog to use gridfs as a storage backend.
131,4784,199redis_on_herokuRedis on heroku -- without relying on external services.
131,4784,199scratch_pad-widgets-brandingWidget gem for ScratchPad