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Most downloads over all time
131521-131540 of all 180,702 gems.
131,5034,081vorxVorx let you manage multiple git repositories
131,5034,081allpay_vaccountWrite a longer description. Optional.
131,5034,081ruboty-ruremaSearch the Ruby Reference Manual via Ruboty
131,5244,080piRitubapiRituba é nois
131,5244,080lapidistSynchronized gem releases
131,5244,080mmistringString class exensions
131,5244,080iframe_resizeriframeResizer javascript Gem using
131,5244,080stepThe Ruby on Rails template engine that implements 2-Step Views PoEAA
131,5244,080taglib-herokuRuby wrapper for installing Taglib on Heroku
131,5244,080assemblyAssembles Models with valid attributes
131,5244,080epub-readerThe epub-reader library implements a EPUB parser conforming as much as possible to the ...
131,5244,080smtp2go-railsInteracts directly with smtp2go's API to facilitate sending of email from Ruby on Rails.
131,5244,080solidus_recommendationsRecommendations for Solidus using Elasticsearch significant terms aggregation
131,5244,080spree_featuredAdds the basic ability to 'feature' products. Includes basic administration additions t...
131,5244,080insurance_policyActiveRecord extension for managing an insurance policy's attributes.
131,5244,080rav_codebreakerThe logic game in which a code-breaker tries to break a secret code created by a code-m...
131,5244,080switch-exceptionHandle exceptions based on message
131,5244,080tumblr_apiIt loads a tumblr blog data.
131,5244,080sendmail_qwriterWrite emails directly to a Sendmail queue
131,5244,080solr_search_sanitizerProvides sanitizer methods for SOLR queries.