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Most downloads over all time
134801-134820 of all 180,702 gems.
134,7943,915bio-faidxools to work with fasta files, indexed with samtools. The initial releases depend on bi...
134,7943,915tailored-etsyA friendly Ruby interface to the Etsy API
134,7943,915bank_paymentsFor generating payment files for various banks
134,7943,915piko_mongo_storeAbstraction layer for storage
134,7943,915ptp-templateJackyll Template for Wix prototypes information websites
134,7943,915rails-hamljsClientide Haml JS templates for rails that "just work" (like they should). Why another...
134,7943,915solidus_admin_insightsAdd (optional) gem description here
134,8083,914logstash-filter-rest-sbtThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
134,8083,914warthogPOkes A10 SLBs with a RESTick
134,8083,914activecrewSteroid command pattern.
134,8083,914axtellGem creation example
134,8083,914myipv4CLI to resolve ip
134,8083,914myutilsUtils for my own use.
134,8083,914compass-warningA Compass extension to include a little warning for front end developers
134,8083,914spree_przelewy24Przelewy24 payment system for Spree
134,8083,914ship-itShipit is a sinatra app for continous deployment
134,8083,914rusty_engineThis is my first attempt at trying to create a ruby on rails application engine
134,8083,914ddtframeworkA simple and Easy DDT Automation Framework
134,8083,914suspectGathers spec failures revealing relationship between files in a project. Selects a subs...
134,8083,914api_url_generatorAfter writing a few RESTful APIs with Rails, I was always running into issues with gene...