Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
134881-134900 of all 180,488 gems.
134,8703,887bahuvrihi-externalarray-like access to external data files
134,8703,887rankmaticA CSV describing submissions reviewed by multiple people is ranked for highest average
134,8833,886pmA superset of Capistrano deployment solution, that ease the creation, deployment and ba...
134,8833,886modiconMode Set icon font.
134,8833,886shipping_connectorShippingConnector is an abstraction library that makes connecting to various shipping ...
134,8833,886vagrant-hostrubyProvision Vagrant boxes with Ruby (on the host machine)
134,8833, API. Incomplete coverage.
134,8833,886vagrant_bindingBinds rails server to instead of default localhost:3000
134,8833,886email_boilerplateEmail templates and view helpers for normalizing HTML emails in common clients
134,8833,886batch_rollbackA rubygem to enable db:rollback to rollback all versions previously migrated
134,8833,886yabeda-karafkaCollecting your karafka app metrics
134,8833,886clarenceb-hiera-eyamlHiera backend for decrypting encrypted yaml properties (Fix for Issue #62)
134,8833,886ruby_do_plugin_power_management_upowerA plugin for Ruby-Do that can log out, suspend, hibernate and shut the computer down.
134,8833,886switch_gearSwitchGear is a library which contains the Circuit Breaker pattern. It is used to prev...
134,8833,886flex_passExtension of `has_secure_password` that enables the possibility to use a coder differen...
134,8833,886source_pressEasily combine multiple source files into a single file, works on any language as long ...
134,8973,885rails_deprecated_syntaxWhen trying to upgrate to Rails 5, there could be lots of methods that not longer work,...
134,8973,885culinary_robotPlaceholder gem
134,8973,885symbolsDefines UTF-8 symbols for common math concepts