Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
134841-134860 of all 180,629 gems.
134,8213,904license_page_extractSom License pages like OSI or Choose A License are missing an API to get only the licen...
134,8423,903quintus-example-gemThis is an example gem demonstrating how to create RubyGems.
134,8423,903hola-yzA simple hello world gem
134,8423,903activecrewSteroid command pattern.
134,8423,903ascii_tableCreate ascii table from command line
134,8423,903string_array_to_integer_arrayGem to convert a string array input to integer array input
134,8423,903csv_parserCSV parser with advanced error reporting
134,8423,903draw_clouddrawcloud ========= Draw AWS CloudFormation configurations in Ruby Copyright and Lic...
134,8423,903axtellGem creation example
134,8423,903netfilter-rubyAwesome Netfilter management
134,8423,903tolex%q{A Jekyll boilerplate theme designed to be a starting point for any Jekyll website.}
134,8423,903tgeng → geo and geo → eng translator using api
134,8423,903archareA gem for archare.
134,8423,903marshal_socketA dead simple way to pass ruby object on a socket
134,8423,903bubblerCreates HTML page with bubble charts of file sizes. Can also output raw html or json ...
134,8423,903rails-paypalA simple paypal client for rails lovers and paypal haters!
134,8573,902rejectRack Module to reject unwanted requests.
134,8573,902mister_fairyIt is fairy. So cute.
134,8573,902json2xslxFile containing the JSON data is converted to .XLS file
134,8573,902jekyll-theme-developerA Theme built for developers