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136041-136060 of all 180,689 gems.
136,0303,842resting_pugResting Pug allows you to create a JSON API with just adding one line to your controlle...
136,0303,842be9-coloristColorist is a library built to handle the easy conversion and manipulation of colors wi...
136,0303,842sidekiq-cron-web-adminPlaceholder by RubyGems Security Team
136,0303,842hair_cutterA wonderful Hair Cutting Gem for the whole family.
136,0303,842hippeisThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
136,0303,842beef-youtube-gAn object-oriented Ruby wrapper for the YouTube GData API
136,0303,842pragmaticlonger description of your gem
136,0303,842game_ruby_exempluThis is an example of application for learning ruby used in The Pragmatic Studio's Rub...
136,0303,842daeltar-mini_factorymini_factory is simple factory builder
136,0303,842genioGenio is an extensible tool that can generate code to consume APIs in multiple programm...
136,0303,842conferInspired by tools such as Ansible, Puppet and Chef, but at a much smaller scale if you ...
136,0303,842github-jobsA simple gem for querying the Github jobs api
136,0303,842rspec-rails-time-metadataIntegrate Rails 4+ time helpers into RSpec using metadata
136,0303,842force_httpForce HTTP protocol in Rails controllers
136,0553,841icouchbaseCommand line tool to work with Couchbase cluster
136,0553,841pantsPants redirects IO using EventMachine from one input source to many different destinati...
136,0553,841omniauth-icisExample OmniAuth strategy for ICIS
136,0553,841gupshup_libGupshup API integration
136,0553,841jekyll-itafroma-indent_filterJekyll plugin to provide an indentation filter.
136,0553,841relateiqA lightweight ruby wrapper for the RelateIQ API