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Most downloads over all time
136001-136020 of all 182,419 gems.
135,9913,973tgeng → geo and geo → eng translator using api
135,9913,973beamer-remoteUse your iPhone to browse through media on your Mac and instantly stream movies and TV ...
135,9913,973email_boilerplateEmail templates and view helpers for normalizing HTML emails in common clients
135,9913,973thinlayer-chef-boundary-annotations-handlerChef Handler that creates Boundary Annotations from Chef Exceptions
135,9913,973huginn_xero_agentHuginn Agent for interfacing with Xero
135,9913,973studio_game_wshaddixSome readme text
135,9913,973harrowThe Harrow client gem
135,9913,973modiconMode Set icon font.
135,9913,973wwwtfWorld Wide Web's Trolls and Flaws giving varied Trolls & Flaws analyzing the BAD WWW ar...
135,9913,973bacon-latinA variant to pig latin where we add meat to every morph
136,0123,972rejectRack Module to reject unwanted requests.
136,0123,972jmoses_apipie-railsRails REST API documentation tool (fork by jmoses)
136,0123,972pi_moteRuby library for pi mite raspberry pi
136,0123,972strev_testTesting creating gems
136,0123,972assets_ledgerVery simple way of handling JS/CSS dependencies and making sure they are present when n...
136,0123,972hal9000hal uses your thoughts as an alias to your commands. think of what you want to do an...
136,0123,972culinary_robotPlaceholder gem
136,0123,972rakextRakext allows you to create rake tasks by just writing methods. Besides, you can pass t...
136,0123,972vagrant-mountaineerVagrant plugin to mount projects specified in a Projectfile to one of your vagrant boxes