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136021-136040 of all 180,702 gems.
136,0083,846identitynow_rule_validatorA tool to validate IdentityNow rules.
136,0083,846fixtureFormerly known as 'fixit'. see .
136,0083,846ex-stringAn experiment in reimplementing the Elixir String module in Ruby
136,0083,846capistrano-syncbackCapistrano Taks to sync files that changed on the server back to local
136,0083,846lb-operationOperations for transactions
136,0083,846ruby-training-gameThis is the Readme file. I learned this from
136,0083,846matisseMatisse is a simple IRB output highlighter that just works.
136,0283,845pleaseignoreSimple gem for now
136,0283,845headmasterView your tests, specs, and cukes through your web browser.
136,0283,845benschwarz-bom-weatherWeather from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology
136,0283,845interfax-rubyRuby wrapper based on savon for Interfax SOAP API
136,0283,845omniauth-active-passportOfficial OmniAuth strategy for Active Passport.
136,0283,845studiogame_ebertjRead me.
136,0283,845humanized_full_messagesGem enables to override error messages keys for pretty rendering
136,0283,845warden_watchtracks user logins with warden
136,0283,845gubbyThis is a system used to create component based objects. Primarily for games, but you d...
136,0283,845my_string_extend_smtThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
136,0283,845rucaptcha_numberCopy of Rucaptcha,For my website
136,0283,845enumerator_generateThis is just a showcase gem to support language core proposal.
136,0283,845hot_moduleParse, mutate, and render HTML Modules in Ruby.