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Most downloads over all time
136561-136580 of all 182,419 gems.
136,5463,943gost_translitGOST 7.79-2000 type b transliteration
136,5463,943servifyRunning servify will stop any process on 3000 (rails server default), and run rails ser...
136,5463,943surf_rockawaySimple ruby based CLI application to pull a surf report for Rockaway Beach, Queens, NY
136,5463,943puncsigA method's punctuation signature is its source, minus all letters, numbers, and whitesp...
136,5653,942nib-integrateintegreates specified docker-compose applications
136,5653,942osu-dbA tool to manipulate osu! beatmap and local scores database.
136,5653,942bgetting-chirpChirp is a Rails gemplugin for easily posting to Twitter
136,5653,942vebagemReplace veba mistakes when writing puts =)
136,5653,942olacabsOlacabs API Integration
136,5653,942pressmanPressman is an experimental, multi-format e-book generator.
136,5653,942stocktrade-money-railsThis library provides integration of RubyMoney - Money gem with Rails - StockTrade Special
136,5653,942harmonized_tariffA utility for converting the Harmonized Tariff Schedule from to JSON, SQL...
136,5653,942poor-pokemon-cliA simple pokemon CLI
136,5653,942gunnerExecute gists from the command line
136,5653,942postal-appRuby Gem for Postal App
136,5653,942crafting_tableCrafting assistant for Minecraft.
136,5653,942mistakerGem for emulating data entry errors
136,5653,942binary42-export-httpShare files over HTTP wih a single command
136,5653,942gimlet-modelGimlet: Document-oriented, Text-based and Read-only data storage, acts as Model